Workshops and Educational Services
Folklore, Paganism, Witchcraft and Magi
Stone Carving Workshops
The earliest known works of representational art are stone carvings. Often marks carved into rock or petroglyphs will survive where painted work will not. Prehistoric Venus figurines such as the Venus of Berekhat Ram may be as old as 250,000 years.
Our ancestors knew the power of carving motifs, effigies or letters into stone, the stone had importance due to its appearance, where it came from and its make up. The act of carving the piece had the spiritual significance to them due to the energy of the craftsperson passed onto the piece through their concentration and effort.
The same is true today.
Our possessions take on our energy and we take on theirs. For most everyday objects, the flow is mainly from the living to the inanimate. Some objects though, have very strong affecting energies which can be positive or negative to us and others around us. These may be called magical items.
The power of an object is greatly magnified for us personally when it has been created by us with particular intent and with the use of some traditional techniques and skills. Linked with the symbology of the design and the type and origin of the stone used, a very potent magical object can be made for a particular purpose or as a general talisman.
Below are a series of Celtic Pagan / Wicca festival celebration workshops but your altar piece, offering, talisman etc. can be carved at any of our monthly general carving workshops.
We celebrate many of the Celtic Pagan Festivals with themed stone carving workshops.